The Personal Training service is geared towards those who are finished (or near finished) their rehabiliation process and want to:
> Lose fat mass
> Increase muscle mass
> Enhance sports performance
> Improve mobility, flexibility, endurance, strength and power capacities
Your first session comprises of a comprehensive evaluation of yours needs and wants analysis, injury/medical history, current habits, mobility tests, muscle strength and endurance tests.
At the end of the evaluation, together we will create a detailed goal with healthy strategies and tactics to best achieve what you want.
The Personal Training service is meant for both healthy populations with no previous injury/medical condition AND for those with prior injuries and/or medical conditions.
How would I benefit from hiring a personal trainer?
Up to 70% of people who sign up for gym memberships in the New Year will quit on their fitness goals within 90 days. Hiring a personal trainer will ensure you have someone who keeps you accountable. Keeping you motivated, ensuring the exercises are challenging and creative but doable, and reducing your risk of injuries are several reasons as to why hiring a personal trainer works to your benefit.
When can I expect to see results?
This question varies depending on the individual's physiological profile, however most people begin to notice subtle changes after 1 month of consistent work.
This may be noticed in many factors such as: clothes may seem to fit differently than before, walking up the stairs takes less effort, sleeping better, feeling more energetic and older injuries are less noticeable on a day-to-day. The important factor to consider is CONSISTENCY.
Showing up for your appointments with your trainer and doing the work required is what matters the most rather than the intensity of the workouts or calories burned within the session. What we are aiming for is to change your body’s metabolism on a longer-term basis to ensure that your body continues to burn more calories throughout the day.
For that to occur, being consistent on your training regimen is key!
Certified Athletic Therapists can help with the following conditions (and more!) :
+ Concussion Management
+ Ligament Sprains
+ Muscle Strains
+ Tendinopathies
+ Low Back Pain
+ Shoulder Impingement
+ Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
+ Post-operative (eg. ACL reconstruction)
+ Neck Pain
+ Carpal Tunnel
+ Movement Optimization
+ Sport-Related Performance Conditioning